How Old is the Beast Lefou and Gaston in Beauty and the Beast?
Whether you’re new to the world of Beauty and the Beast or you’ve seen the film a million times, you may want to know how old the Beast, Lefou and Gaston is. His age has a major impact on the film, both for the protagonist, Belle, and for the villain, Gaston. Fortunately, you can read about the character’s age in this article.
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Lefou’s age
Unlike most characters in the animated film, LeFou has no canonical first name. Rather, his age is assumed to be the same as the actor who plays him.

While in the original film, LeFou is a Butt-Monkey who serves as Gaston’s sidekick, in the remake he is a more prominent character. He is also a sycophant to Gaston and an example of Adaptational Heroism.
The animated version of the film introduced LeFou to the audience as a snowman, but in the live action version, the role was played by Josh Gad. The character is now known as “the Gadgeteer Genius” and “music box builder”.
The live action film re-invents LeFou as a sociopathic villain who has PTSD from his time as a soldier. The live action movie also introduces a younger character, Mrs. Potts.
The live action film does not feature the three female admirers who only appear in the opening song. This was a move that was seen as a way to give them more screen time. It is unclear whether they will return.
Cogsworth is a shrewd and timid character. He was not happy to be recognized by Belle. He is described as a “henpecked” husband. He accepts the transformation into an inanimate object.
The live action film has deleted scenes from the animated version. These include the scene where Gaston accidentally steps into a mud puddle. Another is the scene where the Prince is asked to grow a beard. In addition, there is a scene in which the Prince raises taxes to fund his lifestyle. This gives the Enchantress more reason to punish the village.
Fans have suggested several alternative names for LeFou. One fan theory is that he is a Frozen easter egg.
Gaston’s age
Whether you’re just a fan of the animated movie or you’re watching the live-action production, you might be curious about how old is Gaston in Beauty and the Beast? This popular Disney character may have gotten the short end of the stick, but he’s still one of the most important characters in the story.
If you’re wondering how old is Gaston, you can thank his creators for coming up with an interesting take on the famous villain. Although he’s generally regarded as a good guy, he does have his flaws. He’s a control freak who bullies others to get what he wants.
While it’s not surprising that a character like Gaston would have a crush on Belle, it’s surprising that he didn’t start off as a bad guy. In fact, he tries to get her hand in marriage from the very beginning of the film.
But when Belle refuses him, Gaston turns into a bad guy. He attempts to woo her with romantic gestures and a wedding party. The only person in the village who has a real dislike for Gaston is Belle.
He’s a narcissistic jerk who’s convinced that he’s the most beautiful man in town. He’s surrounded by sycophantic idolaters who feed his ego.
If he had a daughter, Gaston might become a violent parent. He might even suffer from PTSD.
However, while he might not be as old as Prince Charming, he certainly isn’t old. He’s thought to be in his early to mid twenties.
He’s also one of the most successful Disney villains, and he’s ranked high on many lists. In fact, he has his own section in the Disney Villain Files book.
Lefou’s relationship with Belle
Several Disney animations have featured a relationship between Belle and Lefou. The newest rendition features Josh Gad as the lead. Unlike the original buffoonish LeFou, this new version makes a point of creating a more realistic portrait of the character.

LeFou’s relationship with Belle begins in the early stages of the movie. The neophyte inventor’s daughter has a crush on the goofy friend and he’s eager to impress her with his skills. The pair bond through a series of playful interactions. In addition to his role as a flirt, LeFou plays violin and helps prepare for a romantic dinner.
In an effort to win Belle’s affection, Gaston attempts to get her to marry him. However, the plan is foiled when Belle rejects him. The enraged Beast tries to intimidate her into joining him.
As a sidekick, Lefou moves on from his abusive situation. This is the main reason why he’s more than just a solider. He’s also a savvy, intelligent and charming guy. Despite his flaws, he’s still one of the most popular citizens in the town.
He has the oh so funky job of attempting to get Belle to marry him. He has a plan to blackmail her. But he has to overcome his own skepticism about the scheme. He tries to use Maurice’s incarceration as bait.
The trick is to show Belle how much he cares about her. He gives her a tour of the castle. In the process, he reveals his existence to the townspeople.
LeFou’s relationship with Gaston is not the most important part of the movie. In fact, it’s probably the most confusing. But it’s an interesting enough story that he makes an appearance in the remake.
Gaston’s relationship with Maurice
Whether you love Gaston or hate him, you’re bound to be intrigued by his appearance in the film. His story, however, is more complex than simply a ruthless hunter. As the story unfolds, you’ll see that he evolves from a man who wants to marry a beautiful woman to a character who is more a villain than a hero.
In the film, Gaston becomes the main villain. He sets out to lure Belle into marriage by blackmailing her into marrying him. He does this by manipulating the people of the town. He uses his strength and good looks to gain followers.
Gaston’s role in the film changes as he develops into a more aggressive and violent character. He begins by using his ego and fear of destruction to make the townspeople think the Beast is a dangerous threat. He also focuses on the destruction of his foes.
When Gaston proposes to Belle in the village, she rejects his offer. As a result, he retreats to the tavern. He attempts to woo Belle back by arranging a wedding party. He also begins to worry that there will be no one to care for her once Maurice passes away.
At the same time, Gaston begins to realize that there is nothing in him that is good. He realizes that he can’t win over Belle’s affections with his physical appearance. He becomes depressed after Belle’s rejection.
In addition, he starts to take a more authoritarian and authoritative role in the town. He holds Belle in high regard as the village’s most beautiful woman. He dismisses her love of the written word as foolish. He also threatens to commit Maurice to a lunatic asylum.
Belle’s journey to the forbidden West Wing
Obviously, the answer to the question, “how old is the beast in Beauty and the Beast?” is a little bit complicated. First of all, there are two versions of the movie, one in which the Prince is a very young boy, and another where he is a middle aged man. In both cases, the age difference is three or four years. In the stage musical, the age difference is not mentioned.
Belle is also an avid reader. She is a speed-reader, a feat which she accomplishes in a very short amount of time. She has a very good relationship with her bookseller. She has been encouraged to pursue her love of literature.
The “few” years she has lived in her small French village have given her an active imagination and a high vocabulary. She also has a few athletic talents. She often rides a horse at very fast speeds.
In the live-action remake, it is not known if Belle is eighteen or twenty-one. In the original, she is a seventeen-year-old. However, the voice actress who portrayed her has referred to her as an eighteen-year-old.
The official age of the Beast is somewhere around twenty-one. However, there are some people who have made up a fake rumor that he is thirty.
The real-life age of the Beast in the original movie is somewhere around twenty-one. This is not true of the stage musical, which replaces the official age with something more sexy. The difference in actual age between Belle and the Beast is not significant. The Beast in the stage musical is actually the prince of his time, and he would be at least twenty or twenty-one.